Memphis, TN – Companies and recyclers looking for new opportunities purchase and offer new and scrap metals have a new marketplace to meet potential suppliers and buyers in domestic and global markets at Industrial Leaders, publisher of over 38 directories for the worldwide manufacturing community announced today it established a new metals marketplace focusing on the trade of steel, brass, aluminum and other metals in new and used condition.
According to Michael Edwards, spokesperson for Industrial Leaders, the site provides access to a Metals USA directory at ... focusing on American based manufacturers and distributors of various metals. Edwards said the site enables users to locate metal manufacturers and dealers specializing in copper, stainless steel, brass, titanium, iron, nickel, tin, lead magnesium, manganese mercury, silver, gold and allied products.
“The Industrial Leaders Group is fully committed in helping metal manufacturers, exporters, importers, distributors and other suppliers of various metals connect with those sourcing for such products in domestic and international markets,” said Edwards. He continued, “The new metals and scrap metal marketplace and directory intends to continue to add additional offerings and buying requests from companies all over North America, Western Europe and Asia.” Additional information is available by visiting or by calling the company's public relations department at 206.309.0756.
About Industrial Leaders
Industrial Leaders is publisher of over 192 industrial directories as well as several B2B marketplaces, auctions, forums, blogs and other resources focusing primarily on the American Industrial Marketplace. Domestic and foreign companies looking to purchase industrial products utilize the site to locate suitable suppliers serving national and international markets.
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Industrial Leaders Debuts Its Steel, Copper, Aluminum and Scrap Metals Directory
Wednesday, December 2, 2009